Ultra fast setting vapor barrier. Specially designed for use as a negative side, fluid applied vapor barrier. The material reduces Moisture Vapor Emission Rates (MVER) and alkalinity to levels acceptable for most resilient and epoxy flooring systems. KÖSTER VAP I® 2000 UFS has a perm rating of 0.08 (ASTM E96 wet) and all the features and benefits of KÖSTER VAP I® 2000 and KÖSTER VAP I® 2000 FS but is formulated to cure in as little as 2 hours depending on ambient temperature and humidity. This product is designed expressly for the rapid turn-around (very fast track) of such flooring installations as in retail stores, operating hospitals, schools and many other projects where elevated moisture and alkalinity are present and a rapid turnover of the flooring system is required.
This unique formulation is a 100% solids, 2-component, bluetinted, low viscous, solvent free (low VOC) special resin. Suitable for use with sheet vinyl, VCT, rubber, wood, ceramic, sports, solid backed carpeting, epoxy, ESD and almost all other types of finished flooring.
Potrošnja: approx. 0.8 - 1.0 kg / m² (0.4 - 0.5 kg / m² per coating)